Wars III: The Clone Wars Beta can be played on the LucasArts website, showing some
features of the new LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars game. Characters can be
bought using studs, or by entering codes into the game. The left and right
arrow keys are used to move around, the up key is used to jump, and the space
bar is used to attack. The mouse is also used in some parts of the game to
select locations, though it is also possible to enter and type in your desired
location instead.
This is a
list of locations from the online game. In order to select a planet, one must
press enter and type in the desired location or press the circle at the
bottom-right of the screen to open a map of the planets.
- Venator-Class Republic Attack Cruiser (Republic Star Destroyer)
- Rugosa
- Ryloth
- Maridun
- Rishi Moon
- The Malevolence (General Grievous' Ship)
- Tatooine
- Vassek
- Naboo
- Geonosis
- Malastare
This is a
list of characters from the game, as well as how to unlock them. Some
characters from the original trilogy are available too. To unlock the
characters, one must search for the character they want to unlock, go to that
planet (shown how above), change into the unlocked already character needed to
access the panel, and then use the panel to complete the process. A screen
confirming you've unlocked it will pop up and appear in the Character
Configuration List.
- Clone Trooper (default)
- Commander Fox (Star Destroyer, Clone Trooper)
- Captain Rex (Maridun, Ahsoka Tano)
- Commander Cody (Rishi Moon, Fox/Rex)
- Senate Commando (Buy with studs)
- Anakin Skywalker (Maridun, Clone Trooper)
- Ahsoka Tano (Star Destroyer, Clone Trooper/Anakin Skywalker)
- Obi-Wan Kenobi (Geonosis,Battle Droid)
- Nahdar Vebb (Vassek, Clone Trooper)
- Kit Fisto (Buy with studs)
- Aayla Secura (Ryloth, Win statue building contest)
- Plo Koon (Buy with studs)
- Mace Windu (Malastare, Anakin Skywalker/Clone Trooper)
- Yoda (Geonosis, Anakin Skywalker/Padme Amidala/Obi Wan Kenobi)
- Padme Amidala (Naboo, Anakin Skywalker/Obi Wan Kenobi)
- Jar Jar Binks (Naboo, Padme Amidala)
- C-3PO (Tatooine, Anakin Skywalker)
- R2-D2 (Buy with studs)
- Cad Bane (Buy with studs)
- Jango Fett (Geonosis, Mace Windu)
- Battle Droid (Rugosa, Clone Trooper)
- Super Battle Droid (Buy with studs)
- Droideka (Buy with studs)
- General Grievous (Vassek, Kit Fisto/Nahdar Vebb)
- Asajj Ventress (Rugosa, two Clone Troopers)
- Count Dooku (Malevolence, General Grievous)
- Wicket (buy with studs)
- Darth Maul (Share five things on facebook)
- Jabba the Hutt (Unlock all other characters)
To enter a
code, one must first press enter when playing to open a screen. They then type
in the code and press enter again to unlock it. The player will automatically
change to that character and it will appear in the Character Configuration
- Savage Opress (Code:oppressivemaul)
- Luke Skywalker (Code:kissedmysister)
- Princess Leia (Code:yourworshipfulness)
- Ben Kenobi (Code:myonlyhope)
- Han Solo(Code:nerfherder)
- Chewbacca (Code:letthewookieewin)
- Lando Calrissian (Code:cloudcitygambler)
- Greedo (Code:heshotfirst)
- Boba Fett (Code:sarlaccfood)
- Darth Vader (Code:mostimpressive)
- Darth Sidious (Code:darkside)
- Shiny Badge = Start the Game. (When you start the game as the Clone)
- Clone Sergeant = Unlock 2 Clones
- Padawan = Unlock at least one Jedi
- Jedi Knight = Unlock at least 3 Jedi
- Wanderer = Visit three planets or ships
- Human Cyborg Relations = Unlock a droid
- Explorer = Visit six planets or ships
- Stud Muffin (first) = Collect 100,000 studs
- Sith Apprentice = Unlock at least one Sith
- Bounty Hunter = Unlock a Bounty Hunter
- Intergalactic = Visit nine planets or ships
- 1 Round = Be on the winning team
- Stair Master = Add a brick to some stairs
- Glutton For Punishment = Fall into the pit on Ryloth 10 times
- Bridge To Somewhere = Activate a holobridge on Ryloth
- Stud Muffin (second) = Collect 500,000 studs
- Biggest Baddest Brick = Place a winning brick on a III statue (a winning brick is a brick that comes the last on a III statue)
- Clone Captain = Unlock three Clones
- Stud Muffin (third) = Collect 1,000,000 studs
- Jedi Master = Unlock at least seven Jedi
- Battle Of Geonosis = Unlock Yoda
- Clone Commander = Unlock Fox, Rex and Cody
- Lair Of Grievous = Unlock Grievous
- Scared The Brick Out Of Me = Make 100 Clones poo (Darth Maul, Darth Vader, General Grievous and Savage Opress are the only characters that can make clones poo, by swinging their lightsaber(s) at the Clone)
- 10 Rounds = Be on the winning team 10 times
- 50 Rounds = Be on the winning team 50 times
- 10m Studs = Collect 10,000,000 studs
- Sith Master = Unlock at least five Sith
- Order 66 = Palpatine's head on a Clone's Body.
- 7 unknown achievements